
Books : reviews

Douglas S. Jones.
Electrical and Mechanical Oscillations.
RKP. 1961

This book is concerned with the oscillations of electric circuits and mechanical systems of one degree of freedom. Firstly there is a discussion of motion near equilibrium followed by detailed consideration of the effects of friction and external forces. A full description of the properties of forced oscillations is provided and there are examples from many types of mechanical systems. The reader will find a complete treatment of the complex and operational impedances which are so important in dealing with electric circuits. Also, the last chapter gives a brief account of the methods available for determining the consequences of the non-linearities inherent in such systems as watch mechanisms, valve oscillators and squealing brakes.

Throughout the book there is careful explanation of how the governing equations are formulated, the simplest methods of solution and the best ways of drawing rapid conclusions from the results.

Douglas S. Jones.
Elementary Information Theory.
OUP. 1979

Most human activity is concerned with passing information from one person to another but no attempt to describe the process in a precise manner had been made until Shannon published a classic paper on communication theory in 1948. By bringing together aspects of engineering, coding, and linguistics that paper placed the subject on a statistical basis which proved to be important not only to the designers of communication networks and the students of language but also for the construction of electronic computers.

This book is intended as an elementary introduction to information theory for scientists and engineers who have no specialized knowledge of statistics. It does not require a detailed acquaintance with communication systems and most of the mathematical background will be familiar to undergraduates in science and technology. Nevertheless the techniques and concepts involved are sufficient to challenge the student. The reader who acquires a full understanding of the ideas will have a stepping stone to more advanced courses in cryptography, automatic error correction, linguistics, etc.

Every effort has been made to keep proofs simple and sometimes a heuristic approach has been adopted when an over-emphasis on rigour might obscure the issues. The book begins with a short description of the relevant notions from the theory of probability. Then the quantity of information in a message is defined and its properties developed, one significant conclusion being that data processing cannot increase the amount of information in data though it may make the digestion more palatable. From this foundation the question of coding messages and making the coding optimal is considered.

Once coded messages are available they can be transmitted and the channel capacity needs to be defined. Methods of calculating the capacity are discussed and the consequences of the definition for error-free transmission are examined. In practice, errors nearly always occur and so the possibility of reducing their effect by block code and error-correcting codes is investigated.

Finally, the theory is generalized so as to be applicable to continuous signals such as are encountered in radio communication, for example.

Exercises are provided so that the reader may check whether the theory has been satisfactorily grasped.