Susan Stepney.
Modelling and measuring open-endedness.

Fourth Workshop on Open-Ended Evolution (OEE4), at ALife 2021, Prague, Czech Republic (online), July 2021


Generating open-ended (OE) systems is a major and as yet unachieved goal of ALife research. Here I discuss aspects of defining, modelling, and measuring OE. I apply a simple model of OE to itself, thereby expanding the concept, to demonstrate how truly open and vast open-endedness is.

  author = "Susan Stepney",
  title = "Modelling and measuring open-endedness",
  crossref = "OEE4-2021"

  title = "OEE4 workshop,at ALife 2021, Prague, Czech Republic  (online), July 2021",
  booktitle = "OEE4 workshop,at ALife 2021, Prague, Czech Republic  (online), July 2021",
  url = "",
  year = 2021