Installing the Incremental SMT Re-resolution software tool (Eclipse IDE) The incremental SMT tool uses Z3 to perform SMT analysis in the Cloud Deployment case study. Download the Z3 software tool from the website: Z3 provides support for Java and following these instructions the jar file "" can be built for your particular system architecture. For logging purposes, the tool uses Apache log4j, available to download from: Download the Eclipse IDE from Installing the source code in Eclipse IDE 1. Creating a new workspace, select File -> Import... Under the General folder, select "Existing Projects into Workspace" and click Next. Click on "Select archive file" and choose the source code archive. 2. Right click on the Z3Verification project and select Java Build Path. Clicking on libraries add the JAR files: log4j-1.2.17.jar and Running the experiments 1. Select Run->Run Configurations... from the menu. Create a new configuration under Java Application 2. Main tab: The project is CompositionalSMT and the Main Class: 3. Arguments tab: a path pointing to the file IncrementalEngine/log/ 4. Environment tab: create a variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/kennethjohnson/z3/build pointing to the library directory of the Z3 installation 5. Click Run