
Short works

Books : reviews

David K. Campbell.
Chaos / Xaoc: Soviet-American perspectives on non-linear scince.
American Institute of hysics. 1990

A select group of top Soviet and American specialists reports in this volume from the frontiers of chaos and nonlinear science. The papers grew out of the first of a series of annual conferences organized by the American Institute of Physics and VAAP, the Soviet Copyright Agency, with the cooperation of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Contributors have provided forward-looking papers that deal with the field’s most exciting and frustrating problems. In keeping v/ith the spirit of the summer 1989 meeting in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, the papers are far-ranging and individual, including rf general discussion, philosophy, opinion, and humor.

David K. Campbell, Robert E. Ecke, James M. Hyman.
Nonlinear Science: the next decade.
MIT/North-Holland. 1991