CSAV2018 - Teaching Assistant

Concurrent System Analysis & Verification (CSAV) (Y2018-012568)

This module covers the use of a process algebra for modelling, validation, design, and verification of concurrent reactive systems; in particular, it focusses on CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) and Circus, which combines Z and CSP to model data-rich reactive programs. The module details are available online at University of York. I am a TA to help Prof. Jim Woodcok in the practical course during the 2018-2019 Spring term. As a TA, I got positive feedback from students regarding my contribution in the practical courses.

Kangfeng (Randall) Ye
Kangfeng (Randall) Ye
Research Associate (Computer Science)

My research interests include probabilistic modelling and verification using formal specification and verification (both model checking and theorem proving) and model-based engineering.