Objects Categories of Objects Actions Categories of Actions Category Associations Object / Action Grammar Audio Representations Auditory Grammar Tones and Chords The Overtone Series Intervals Tonal Functions Combining Chords Combining Chords II Grammatical Chords Interaction Chords ? Object / Action Chords Constrained Melodies Chordal Framework Audio Combinations Preliminary Ideas Chords and Sequences Future Work References
Picture of the poster

This poster was presented at the 1998 International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) in Glasgow, November 1st-4th.

Click on one of the boxes within the poster to see that section in detail; alternatively, follow the link below to work through the poster from the beginning. When you come across a musical extract, click on the notes to hear them.

To hear other sound examples which do not appear on the poster, go to the Demonstration Section.

Any comments or thoughts on this work is welcome. Send email to John.Hankinson@cs.york.ac.uk.

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Look at the first section of the poster